Self-reflection activities, case studies,
simulations, project-based learning, peer learning
Type of activity / modality
Workshop / Blended activity

The 241FE course consists of six short modules on the following topics: Critical Thinking, Personal Branding for Empowerment, Creativity, Business and Digitalisation Strategy, Starting a Business, and Legal and Finance. It aims to support migrant women in creating their own businesses and to strengthen their entrepreneurial skills by leveraging creativity, empowerment, and recognition through a plethora of creative and self-reflective activities and project-based learning methodologies.

The 241 FE course aims to empower migrant women through a blend of self-reflection activities, case studies, simulations, project-based learning, and peer learning techniques. It focuses on developing critical thinking, personal branding, creativity, and business skills.

The 241FE course is originally designed for migrant or refugee women who wish to build and start their own businesses in the host country, helping them foster cooperation and links with the native country through creativity, empowerment and recognition. However, it can be adapted and used for other disadvantaged groups.

The objectives of the course are presented below according to each module. After the completion of the course the participants will be able:
Module 1 – Critical Thinking (Who am I, Clarity)
- To understand the importance of critical thinking in today’s information-rich world;
- To learn the benefits of critical thinking in personal life;
- To recognize the dangers of a single story and develop media literacy;
- To utilize media for inquiry and self-expression, creating and expressing one’s own voice.
Module 2 – Personal Branding (What do I show, Positioning)
- To explore the concept of empowerment and its relation to personal branding;
- To understand the fundamental importance of building a personal brand;
- To learn to perform a SWOT analysis and build a unique personal brand.
Module 3 – Creativity (What can I create – Golden Idea)
- To discover practical ways to enhance creativity;
- To differentiate between a fixed and a growth mindset;
- To learn the golden rules to boost creativity and discipline creative ideas.
Module 4 – Business and Digitization (Capitalize on my talents, Offer)
- To learn scalable business strategies, including the Social Business Model Canvas, Lean Startup, and Minimum Viable Product;
- To understand the benefits of digitizing a business;
- To explore tools and apps to enhance teamwork and support digital transformation.
Module 5 – Start a Business (Step by Step Start Up Plan, Business)
- To follow a step-by-step guide to building a business;
- To clarify and define the Golden Idea;
- To choose a legal structure and complete necessary registrations;
- To establish a website, webshop, and financial accounts.
Module 6 – Legal & Finance (Positioning the Business, Market & Cooperation)
- To decide on the appropriate business structure, such as a Limited Liability Company or Cooperative;
- To understand liabilities and personal accountability;
- To determine investment needs and expected revenues; To learn about financial accountability and management.

The materials needed for this workshop are a pencil or pen and erasers, a piece of paper or notebooks, writing pads. Also, a whiteboard and markers or a flip chart and markers for the facilitator to take notes and highlight important tips and to explain the steps of the activities. In addition, a computer or laptop with internet access is needed for all the participants attending online and in-person, printed or digital copies of key points for reference and a PC or laptop and a projector or screen (if available) for displaying key points. For some activities the use of a smartphone and/or a webcam for each participant to make videos is needed.

Any location where a female refugee feels safe and protected is suitable to use as a training location. So, the facilitator/educator/trainer should select a place that provides a physically and emotionally safe environment for all participants, especially a location where people can freely express themselves without fear of prejudice or any negative judgment. The process of sharing personal information may be stressful for some of the participants, so the facilitator should be alert to understand any inconvenience, take the lead and handle the situation.
The trainer should organise and attend at least six classes, one for each module and also be prepared to lead the 241 FE workshop. More information regarding the 241 FE course and how to approach it can be found on the “Handbook to the 241 Female Entrepreneurship Course”. The Handbook provides instructions for the execution of the 241 Program by the Trainers, other stakeholders, and third parties that are interested. It is designed as a reference book, containing several manuals for specific situations and audiences.
In addition, the trainer needs to be able to perform some digital actions like setting up an email account for the trainee, or assisting the trainee herewith, knowing how to enter the course website at, installing or accessing the YouTube app on a smartphone or laptop, so that the trainee can watch the course videos, assisting the trainee in making videos with her smartphone or webcam, assisting the trainee in setting up her website in, or any other website builder, and knowing how to search on the internet for relevant information. A potential 241 FE course trainer, can get access to a “Train the Trainer Course for the 241 FE course”.

Step-by-step instructions
Module 1 – Critical Thinking (Who am I, Clarity)
In this module, the importance of thinking critically in a world where we are bombarded every second with breaking news and information is discussed. “Why is it important to think critically?”, “Why is it helpful in our own lives?”, “What is the danger of a single story?”.
Media Literacy. What does it mean?: Using the media as a means of inquiry and self expression. How to create and express your own voice.
Module 2 – Personal Branding (What do I show, Positioning)
In this module, the concept of empowerment is discussed. “Why is building your personal brand fundamental?”.
The Keynotes are: Empowerment and Personal Branding, Debate your rights, Learn to do a Swot Analysis, Build your OWN personal brand.
Module 3 – Creativity (What can I create – Golden Idea)
In this module, practical suggestions and concrete examples to enhance creativity are provided.
The following themes are being discussed: Why it is important to be creative, The difference between a Fixed and a Growth Mindset, The Golden Rules to enhance creativity, How to discipline creative ideas.
Module 4 – Business and Digitization (Capitalize on my talents, Offer)
In this module, scalable business strategies are covered, which are the Social Business Model Canvas, Lean Startup and Minimum Viable Product.
Also, the benefits of digitising your own business are discussed and tools and apps that can help you enhance teamwork and make the digital transformation in your own teams are provided.
Module 5 – Start a Business (Step by Step Start Up Plan, Business)
In this module, a step by step guide on how to build a business is provided: Make your Golden Idea clear and concise, Choose a Legal Structure, Register your company at the local Registrar of Companies and Tax Agency, Check whether you need any permits, Build a website / webshop, Open a bank or PayPal account.
Module 6 – Legal & Finance (Positioning the Business, Market & Cooperation)
In this module, the following themes are being explored: Do I need to set up my business as a Limited Liability Company or as a Cooperative?, What are the liabilities? In what cases should I be held liable for the debts of my business?, How much money do I need to invest in my business?, What are my expected revenues? and What do I need to know about accountability?.

The evaluation phases for this course are presented below.
Pre- and Post-Assessment phase: Participants complete assessments at the beginning and end of each module to measure knowledge and skills gained.
Module 1: Critical Thinking (Who am I, Clarity)
- How confident are you in your ability to think critically about information presented to you? (Scale 1-5)
- Can you explain the importance of critical thinking in daily life?
- What is media literacy, and how does it impact your ability to express yourself?
Module 2: Personal Branding (What do I show, Positioning)
- How well do you understand the concept of personal branding? (Scale 1-5)
- Can you identify the key components of a strong personal brand?
- How would you perform a SWOT analysis on your personal brand?
Module 3: Creativity (What can I create – Golden Idea)
- How would you rate your current level of creativity? (Scale 1-5)
- Can you distinguish between a fixed and a growth mindset?
- What strategies do you use to enhance your creativity?
Module 4: Business and Digitization (Capitalize on my talents, Offer)
- How familiar are you with scalable business strategies like the Lean Startup and Minimum Viable Product? (Scale 1-5)
- What benefits do you see in digitizing a business?
- Which digital tools or apps do you find most helpful for enhancing teamwork?
Module 5: Start a Business (Step by Step Start Up Plan, Business)
- How confident are you in your ability to start a business from scratch? (Scale 1-5)
- What steps are involved in registering a new business?
- How would you go about creating a business website or webshop?
Module 6: Legal & Finance (Positioning the Business, Market & Cooperation)
- How well do you understand the differences between business structures like LLCs and cooperatives? (Scale 1-5)
- What are the key considerations for determining business liabilities?
- How would you plan the financial aspects of your business, including investments and revenue expectations?
Reflection Phase: Participants reflect on their learning experiences, challenges faced, and personal growth.
- “What were the most significant challenges you faced during this module?”
- “How have your skills and understanding improved through this module?”
- “What areas do you feel you still need to work on, and how do you plan to address them?”
- “How has your perspective on entrepreneurship changed after completing this module?”
- “Can you describe a specific moment or activity that was particularly impactful for you? Why?”

Tips – Safety
The workshop can be adapted to suit coherent and diverse groups of learners. Participants may share personal information and this process may be stressful for some of them, so the facilitator should be alert to understand any inconvenience, take the lead and handle the situation. Also, they should be aware of and respect cultural differences among participants, avoid making assumptions about their experiences or backgrounds, use inclusive language and be mindful of cultural norms and practices, and emphasize the importance of confidentiality. It should be ensured that participants understand that personal stories shared in the workshop should not be discussed outside of the group.
The facilitator should provide clear, step-by-step instructions for each activity and use visual aids if possible to enhance the understanding, as well as encourage participants to ask questions if they are unsure about any part of the activities. In addition, it is highly advisable to the educator to use use examples from real entrepreneurial stories to make the learning process more relatable and meaningful. Another part, which should be given full attention by the trainer is to be prepared to provide constructive feedback throughout the workshop, highlight strengths and provide specific suggestions for improvement, and also encourage peer feedback during presentations to foster a collaborative learning environment.

Group size
The group size for the course does not matter, but it is more challenging to manage its workshop with the participation of many individuals. Working with a big group of people makes it harder to make people feel safe to share about themselves. 8 to 10 participants would be the ideal group size, especially in a blended environment.

The complexity of the workshop can be rated at 3. The facilitator needs to take some time to prepare the different modules of the workshop and all the necessary material, review the methodology and prepare the workshop’s different tasks. Also, the educator should be familiar with teaching online to be able to adjust the workshop to the needs of the online and in-person participants.

The time needed to complete the 241FE course depends on the trainer and the scheduling of the training modules. More specifically, the 241 FE Course consists of six modules, with each module containing theory, visuals, and assignments. The trainee should be able to follow the course at their own pace for in-person and online sessions with the trainees. The modules build upon each other, so preferably there should be intervals between the meetings. The intervals are dependent on the time that the trainee can spend per week and the learning capacity of each trainee.
We suggest 4 hours to be allocated for each module. In total, 24 hours are needed for the implementation of the whole course.

Author(s) – Sources
The 241 FE course was developed during the 241 Female Entrepreneurship Erasmus+ project and is available online in 5 languages (Dutch, English, Greek, Italian and Spanish).
All the resources and the courses can be found here:
“Handbook to the 241 Female Entrepreneurship Course:
“Train the Trainer Course for the 241 FE course”:
In this section you will find the official translations of the activities in Italian, Portuguese, Swedish and Greek when they will be ready
In this section you will find the official translations of the activities in Italian, Portuguese, Swedish and Greek when they will be ready
In this section you will find the official translations of the activities in Italian, Portuguese, Swedish and Greek when they will be ready
In this section you will find the official translations of the activities in Italian, Portuguese, Swedish and Greek when they will be ready
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